Sunday, December 04, 2005

Two Lakes

I live in the outback of America. It is desert and I am at the edge of the mountains. It is amazing to think that two completely different lakes are approximately 30 miles from Reno in opposite directions. Pyramid Lake is primitive and silent. It has an island full of pelicans. I can see a million stars at night. One has to look closely at beauty in a desert. It is red and purple, orange and yellow, and many shades of brown. Small plants grow between pebbles. Not many trees. Out at Pyramid, one can sift through the sand and find millions of tiny seashells. I live in the Great Basin, once all under water. Hmmmm...all under water. Wonder why.

Lake Tahoe is high above Reno. It is set in a bowl surrounded by high peaks and green pine forests. It is crystal blue and emerald green. One can see a depth of 60 ft. in places. Much of the rock is volcanic in nature and there is much granite. If I go to the mountains, all around me is grandeur. Jagged peaks and deep blue sky. Carpets of alpine wildflowers in the summer, and rocky creeks rushing down steep mountainsides and through meadows. Not long ago on a hike a hummingbird zipped by, screeched to a halt above my head, checked me out, tossed his head and was on his way. I am amazed at God's creation. What beauty.

I feel a kinship with Jonathan Edwards, instrumental in the first great awakening in America. He spent much time in nature, writing notes for sermons, pinning the notes to his jacket, also amazed at the intricacies of creation. I heard John Piper say once that we should have a sort of mentor. I think I pick Edwards.


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