Sunday, December 18, 2005

Off to New Hampshire for Christmas

My husband and I are flying to New England in the morning to visit family for Christmas. As I speak, we are having our first real snowfall in my area. The snow is soft and deep. A hot cup of coffee and a fresh snowfall make this morning wonderful.

Christmas in New Hampshire is like stepping back in time. All the colonial houses in small villages have single candles in each window. When I lived in New Hampshire, I worked at a shelter for teens and got off work at midnight. I had to warm my car for quite awhile as I struggled to scrape thick sheets of ice from my car windows. I drove home down winding rural roads and passed two or three villages along the way. One of the villages is Francestown, which was founded around 1740. It consists of large colonial farm houses and it was a delight to drive through in the middle of the night. So quiet, with every window in every house glowing only with candles, and wreaths upon each door. It took me an hour to drive home to Manchester, but it never felt like a burden. Manchester on the other hand is the largest city in New Hampshire. The center of town consists mostly of tenements. Manchester was a textile town and the mills are in the middle of town, with the Merrimac River dissecting the city.

My husband and I compare our home states quite often as he misses New England and I am tied to the Sierras. We pray for God's direction in our lives and this trip to see his family may determine our future. We are excited about visiting a Sovereign Grace Church while we are there and hope that God will show us his desire for us. Here is hoping that this Christmas is a blessing for all who read this blog.


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Happy New Year to you and your family; I really enjoy your Blog and I hope you don't mind but I've used your house as my bckgrd, at least for the festive season. It is so hot in the tropics of N.W. Australia (Broome) this time of year, our wet season, that to have a cool bckgrnd helps heaps. Thank you and may also God Bless you. Mari

At 8:50 AM, Blogger candy said...

Thanks Mari for your post. It is cold here and we just had a great flood. The years starts out somewhat exciting. Hope you have a good year and God bless you.


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